Thursday, September 18, 2008



By Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur

Bhaktivinoda-vānī-vaibhava is a collection of the teachings of Srila Thakur Bhaktivinode compiled by Sri Sundarananda Vidyavinode, a prominent disciple of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur, and published in 1938. The book is in the form of a series of questions composed by the compiler, with answers extracted from Thakur Bhaktivinode’s teachings. The following are some extracts from chapter 91:

What is the duty of a tolerant person?
If anyone blasphemes you, you should tolerate it. Do not insult anyone. You should not take shelter of the material body and envy others. There is no doubt that lust is a place where Kali can reside. Becoming lusty to serve Krishna is transcendental and is also known as love of God. To desire sense gratification is mundane and is Kali’s residence. One must give up such mundane desires. (Sajjana To a ī 15.2)

Is it part of one’s occupational duty to display intolerance toward other processes?
Those who blaspheme, hate, or envy other processes are certainly ignorant and foolish. They are not as concerned about their own goal of life as they are about indulging in useless argument. (Caitanya-śik āmrita 1.1)

Can devotees who maintain material desires be tolerant?
Those whose devotional service is motivated cannot conquer anger. It is not possible to conquer anger only by one’s intelligence. In a short time, attachment for sense enjoyment will overcome the intelligence and give anger a place in the intelligence’s kingdom. (Sajjana To a ī 11.5)

How should a devotee who chants the holy names practice tolerance?
One should be more tolerant than a tree. One should also give up envy and maintain proper respect for everyone. (Sik ā taka 3)

What kind of compassion is indicated by the phrase taror api sahisnunā — “More tolerant than a tree?”
The phrase “more tolerant than a tree”indicates that although a tree is cut, it does not protest. Rather, it helps others by its shade, fruits, and flowers. Similarly, Krsna’s devotees should show greater compassion than a tree by helping everyone whether friends or enemies. Such compassion is the ornament of the non-envious devotees who chant the holy names. (Sik ā taka 3)

Can one who is impatient engage in the worship of Hari?
For the practitioner of devotional service, dhairya, patience, is extremely necessary. Those who possess dhairya are called dhīra, sober. When men lack this quality, they become restless. Those who are impatient cannot work. By dhairya, a practitioner controls first himself and then the whole world. (Sajjana To a ī 11.5)

—Sundarananda Vidyavinode. Bhaktivinode-vā ī-vaibhava. Gaudiya Mission. Calcutta. 1998. Bengali.
—Sundarananda Vidyavinode. Bhaktivinode-vā ī-vaibhava. English translation by Bhumipati Das. Touchstone Media. Vrindavan. 2002.

This article was taken from the Krsna-kathamrita Bindu - Issue 170.

A special thanks to Bhakta Richard for provided this nice article.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hare Krishna! Srila Krishna dasa Kaviraja Goswami says that just as we need regular food for our body, we need regular food for the soul. That food is Krishna Katha, Hari Katha. Then we can go forward.

Hope you are feeling enthused in KC.
